Spring water Baby Bella thanks to its composition and low mineral content fulfil the strictest criteria for spring water. The water is suitable for preparing food for infants. The balance ratio of minerals allows every day use for all ages of the population.


The source of Baby Bella is situated in the region of untouched nature in the Slovakia, where widely is no impact of industrial agglomeration. Therefore, Baby Bella can be named as a Queen of all spring waters.

Chemical Composition



Cations mg/l
Na+ 4,50
NH4+ 0,05
Ca2+ 43,10
CHSK(Mn) 1,12
Fe < 0,09
Mn2+ < 0,005
Mg2+ 13,10
Pb2+ < 0,001
K+ 1,21
Total mineralization 184,00
Anions mg/l
Cl- 2,84
SO4 2- 9,13
NO2 - < 0,01
NO 3- 7,29
F- < 0,05

Information for download



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Packing and Logistics Data



Packing 0.5 l PET
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Packing 1.5 l PET
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